Do you feel stuck in this world?

That’s because you’re here to create a better one.

Are you craving something deeper, but a voice inside whispers, "Who am I to want more?" Maybe you tell yourself, "It’s not that bad," and slip back into autopilot, afraid to take up space.

The truth is, you are a living miracle, and you are more than enough—exactly as you are. You deserve more than "it’s not that bad."

You deserve to wake up every day feeling confident in your path—to trust your dreams, own your gifts, and take soul-aligned action without second-guessing yourself. To live with peace, freedom, grace, and fulfilment every single day.

If self-doubt has been holding you back, I’m here to help you break free. It won’t be perfect, but you’ll find beauty in the imperfections and fulfilment in the journey.

Ahoj! I’m Vanessa—life coach helping creative souls break free from self-doubt, reconnect with their true power, and co-create a life that feels deeply aligned.

Not because you need to.
Not even because you want to.
But because you’re meant to.

It took me 35 years to realize this. Years of pushing, proving, and forcing—believing I had to do more to be enough. I listened to others, ignored my intuition, and made things harder than they needed to be. Until I finally saw the truth: the path to freedom isn’t about doing more—it’s about honouring who you already are.

That’s when my life shifted. Everything became more peaceful and free—not because I forced it, but because I stopped forcing myself.

Now, as a former designer, certified quantum breath & flow practitioner, macrobiotic health coach, and Mindvalley life coach, I guide others to unblock their purpose, trust their gifts, and create a life they love—without the burnout, self-doubt, or endless striving.

You’re Limited Edition

Reconnect to your Inner Self, and start designing a career and life you love.

This 21-day program will leave you feeling confident and nourished within.

You’ll see your gifts within, unstuck your creative flow and feel empowered to take the next step towards designing the life you love.

Date With Earth

Have you ever wondered about the insights and transformations in plant-medicine ceremonies?

Discover what led me to the jungle, the shifts that occurred even before I set foot in Peru and join me on a twelve-day retreat where the allure of six ceremonies unravels a personal transformation and healing.


Power Animals

Feeling like a visual support of energy? The ‘Power Animal’ series is here to support your life’s journey and remind you of the beautiful soul you are.


Animals Eating Junkfood

What would happen if animals ate the junk food 90% of humans do?

Welcome a series of hand-drawn, charcoal illustrations printed on 320gsm paper.

Purchase an exciting one or request one that is especially for you.


We always have a choice,
we can choose…


Love over fear
Opportunities over obstacles
Creating over procrastinating
Healing over suffering
Feeling into over running away from
Showing up over showing off
Our truth over the voices of others
Receiving over ‘knowing/doing’ it all
Saving ourselves over waiting to be saved
Our health over our harm
Surrendering over holding tight

This doesn’t mean ‘the dark side’ doesn’t exist. It means knowing that it does & consciously choosing the light. 

Every single breath… again & again.