… & it is done!

Complete your projects with grace, flow, and joy.

Join this 1-month program to transform your creative process using the power of your breath, body & mind.

Leaving you feeling more confident & excited to share your gifts with the world.

You know that nagging feeling in the belly when you feel really excited and inspired to create something? 

It brings you so much joy to only think about it; somehow, you feel alive, excited, and inspired.

And then… then something comes in the way, and you start putting it off …” Maybe next weekend?” 

Maybe you even start and then you think “This job is more important” “I can’t do this on my own” “This was silly idea anyway”

Whether it’s a book you felt called to write, an online shop you wanted to launch, a program you wanted to create, a song you wanted to record or simply a veggie patch you wanted to plant in your garden. 

You were excited, and then you paused because our not-so-beloved friend of creativity came in - “the resistance”.

This is absolutely normal in any creative process; we stumble upon resistance, bringing out any limiting beliefs stored in our nervous system since birth, even from our ancestors.

80% of creation is the inner game.

It’s about:

  • how we understand ourselves

  • how we honour the idea that wants to be expressed through us

  • how we are able to transform ‘the resistance’.

Once we learn how to keep transforming the limiting beliefs in our mind and body, we’re in our flow;

We’re being guided and supported.

The right people, ideas, and opportunities will appear on our path, and we will complete what we envisioned with flow and joy.

This program will support you on your inner journey to complete your project, bringing you grace, flow, joy, and loads of universal support along the way.

  • We'll be mainly working with:

    • Quantum breath & flow techniques

    • Mindset and Self-reflection

    • Group support and collective empowerment

  • Quantum breath is a breathing technique developed by Juan Pablo Barahona, that consist of different practices carefully combined in one session.

    These are designed to engage both the conscious and subconscious mind, as well as the body and nervous system. Unlike conventional methods, quantum breath adopts a holistic and innovative approach.

    The essence of quantum breath lies in allowing rather than compelling, listening to oneself rather than external sources, and gracefully releasing rather than relying solely on physical strength.

  • With 13 years of experience as a creative designer and as a certified Quantum Breath practitioner and life coach, I've had the privilege of immersing myself in countless creative projects. Through these endeavors, I've come to realize that true joy isn't just about having brilliant ideas.

    It's found in the satisfaction of bringing those ideas to life—navigating challenges, overcoming obstacles, and growing stronger with each accomplishment. This journey of creation and resilience is not just fulfilling; it's transformative, shaping us into better versions of ourselves every day.

I guarantee you that if you follow the structure and keep doing your ‘soul work,’ you’ll not only be able to complete your project, but this program will also leave you feeling uplifted, empowered, and a different human than when you started.

The way we treat our projects reflects how we live our lives.