Soul Gem Sundays

Awaken your inner genius and find inspiration, nourishment, and peace through the profound power of your breath.


What will you experience?

Each week, embark on a transformative journey inward, using techniques of quantum breath and quantum flow, while exploring diverse themes and engaging with special guests. Together, we’ll rewire your nervous system and empower you to:

  • Awaken your creativity and joy for life

  • Reconnect with your soul’s essence

  • Bring this elevated state of being into every moment of your daily life

Let’s let the soul lead and the mind gracefully follow, creating countless "best day evers."

I can’t wait to share this sacred space with you.

Every Sunday,  
9:00 AM London

10:00 AM | Berlin
11:00 AM | Tallin
12:00 PM (Noon) | Dubai
04:00 PM | Perth
04:00 PM | Bali
04:00 PM | Singapore
06:00 PM | Sydney
06:00 PM | Melbourne

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What is Quantum Breath and Quantum Flow?

Both of these practices are created by Juanpa Barahona. The key principle is that they work on rewiring your nervous system on both a mental and physical level.

Simply put, they influence the way we talk to ourselves and the way our bodies have been wired since we’ve been on this earth. With these practices, we rewire old patterns to align with the higher vibrational frequencies we’re all meant to live in.

Quantum Breath and Quantum Flow are rooted in the traditions of Chinese medicine, qigong, shamanism, and yoga, and are then crafted together into a wholesome practice for modern times so that our nervous system can cope with the planet’s evolution.

Benefits of Working with Quantum Flow and Quantum Breath

    • Feeling clarity

    • Feeling inner freedom

    • Feeling inner peace

    • Feeling inspired and creative

    • Feeling energized within

    • Feeling joyful without a specific reason

    • Feeling grounded

    • Feeling in your body

    • Your body will naturally say ‘yes’ to high vibrational foods & practices and ‘no’ to lower vibrational ones - your body will become your guide

    • Feeling toned with less effort

    • Life begins to flow

    • The more we live in the higher vibration, the more of this vibration we attract into our lives - in all areas of our life